Monday, October 21, 2013

My first post!

  Well I suppose I should be sleeping, but there is far too much running through my brain right now so I figured I would get this blog party started!!! I am in the last 9 months before I turn the big 4-0. I am not so much freaked out about it because I am getting old, but rather that I think it is time to grow up and make wise decisions. Making wise decisions in all areas of my life,well OUR life and getting our figurative poop its figurative group before 40 actually arrives is my big goal. In this journey I am planning on trying new things, giving up a few things, learning a new thing or two and just all around attempting to better the lives of myself, my husband, our beautiful children and even our four legged babies. 

  Along the way I will drag you with me head over heels into all sorts of fun adventures that will help me to obtain my personal goals that I really want to reach before my big birthday next year. I am going for anal l around lifestyle change you guys. I hope to inspire you in whatever it is that you want for yourself and your family whatever that family structure may be. 

 One of the things that I am OBSESSED with is coconut oil. I use that stuff like it holds the magic cure to anything and everything and I am fairly certain that it spews directly from the fountain of youth (never mind that others may point out that it is simply spewing from a coconut... I am pretty sure that my theory is correct). I eat it. I drink it. I bathe with it. I brush my teeth with it. I clean with it. I use it as a moisturizer and mild sunscreen. I am lucky you, you will get to hear all about that soon! My next big adventure in the CO world??? Oil pulling! I am beside myself with excitement right now. I am starting first thing tomorrow morning and then I will let you all know how that goes in a week or so. I will share all the gorey details so you will know what all that is about.

 I am also trying to figure out what my body likes as far as eating and exercise. Over the last 3 years I have gained some wait (again, I will be obnoxiously honest with all that when that post gets here) and I refuse to feel disgusting at my 40th birthday. Everyone take a seat and take a nice deep breath. You guys, I am going to try jogging. I know. Clear your head. Come back to me now. I have always said I hated running/jogging. One reason is my lack of being any sort of graceful. An injury WILL happen. Let's all just get ready for that bad owie now ;) I realized that the real reason that I did twang to jog is that it made me sweat. Hahahhaha I am not a trainer of any kind, but I do believe that when trying to loose a little weight and boost your metabolism, you gotta get that heart a thumpin' and sweat! Duh Alisa! I also realized that if I enjoy running I will get to buy cute running shoes. Motivation in and of itself right there! So that should come with some pretty fantabulous tales in and of itself.

 Another huge thing is ridding our house of chemicals. I am making most of our householdcleaners at  this point and couldn't be happier. I will share my recipes that I use in our house with all of you and even point you in the right direction for more info in that area. Sort of a touchy subject in our family since my mom has worked for a multi million dollar janitorial supply company for over 25 years and my brother works for a major cleaning label. But I feel quite strong on this topic so you will get an earful a time or two on that.

 Getting rid of chemicals in our home as well as possible includes personal hygiene (soap,shampoo,conditioner,body wash, etc). I no longer use shampoo AT ALL and my hair has never been happier or healthier.

  I am not preachy. You can do what you like. These are just things that are happening in my life that I want to chronical and share with those of you that are curious on how someone else is making changes in their life. It should be a fun ride.i a looking forward to riding it with you and being very open and honest. Like I said in the beginning of the post, these are just changes that I am hoping to make before hitting 40 in 9 months. Lofty goals?probably. But with my very own brand of sass that I bring to the table, I ca do it...I GOT THIS!!!!